Float Tanks For Strength Training Recovery


Just uploaded a few videos on my SwingThis Kettlebell youtube channel and I wanted to let everyone know.

The main reason I began floating was to decrease my pain from muscles and relax my nervous system from competitive kettlebell lifting.  It took off from there.

While Alex and I were in Portland last week for the Float Conference, I had the opportunity to train with one of the best  in powerlifting and strength,  Portlands own, Chris Duffin of Elite Performance Center.

We did several interviews and training videos ,but perhaps the one youd like to see the most is when he asked me to talk about Float Tanks as I use them for recovery .  This is a huge reason why we are bringing Flotation to Northern KY  as a connection to my already large community of health and wellness with Swing This Kettlebell.

This is a topic I really would like to speak on next year at the  Float Conference.  (Ashkahn? Graham?)

Anyway not to keep you waiting, here is the video we shot  that I spoke about Float Tanks For Recovery.